
Upper Lighthorne Parish Council

Help Name Our Community Orchard

Help Name Our Community Orchard


Brilliant news! We're growing a marvellous fruit garden right next to your school! Soon there'll be scrummy apples and pears for everyone to pick - but we need YOUR help with something rather special...

Our new orchard needs a name! 

Have YOU got a brilliant idea for our fruit-filled wonderland? The most fantastic name will go on a proper sign for the whole village to see! How brilliant is that?

Fancy having a go? It's dead easy!

1. Pop into The Lighthorne Heath Children and Family Centre for your form
2. Dream up a cracking name
3. Ask your mum, dad or guardian to help you fill it in
4. Drop it back before the end of half term

The super special winner will be chosen at the Parish Council meeting on 6th November!

Pop on your thinking caps and let your imagination run wild! 🌱✨

#CommunityOrchard #LighthorneHeath #LocalHeroes