
Upper Lighthorne Parish Council

Wildflower Seeding Event - 22nd October at 9:30am

Wildflower Seeding Event - 22nd October at 9:30am

Wildflower Seeding Event - 22nd October at 9:30am

Meeting at Lighthorne Heath School car park

In conjunction with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and Upper Lighthorne Parish Council

We will be planting wildflower seeds on the field near to the school, adjacent to the ash path

Seeds are gifted by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and the plan is to flower seeds along the hedge row and to plant fruit trees at either end

Please come along and join us, so as a community we can give nature a helping hand

Future projects are imminent

Bees and butterflies are in severe decline

So let’s be positive not passive and work together

People Power!


Facebook - Nature Of Upper Lighthorne